Evaluation of the Perception of Smile Aesthetics by Laypersons, Dental Students and Dental Practitioners
Background and Objectives: Various factors make a Smile attractive. Perception of smile esthetics varies among individuals as
well as dental professionals; this can create a barrier of communication between the patient and the dentist. Thus, a database is
required to gauge this difference among our local population. This study aims to assess the perception of smile esthetics
among laypeople,dental students and dental practitioners.
Methodology: After taking informed consent 261 participants (Male, Female), took participation in this study. These
participants were from different groups, Group A (Dental students n=128), Group B (House Officers n=42), Group C (PG’s
n=30), Group D (lay persons n=61).The study included both genders, students of clinical years, House officers and Lay
persons.Students of non-clinical year as well as dentists ofbasic sciences were excluded.
Results: For subject 1 and 6, the most selected options are C and C (60% and 73.3% respectively) in male lay persons. In female
laypersons the subject 2 and 6,the selected options areA and C (73.9% and 60.8% respectively).
Conclusion: The perception of smile esthetics differs hugely for layperson and dental professionals. The dentists must probe
thetype of esthetic features the patient prefers.